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​Hello and Welcome

The Canadian District of the Voluntas Dei Institute is at your doorstep and within your reach. What a happy meeting!

Today, we have the privilege, thanks to new communication technology, of reaching all those who wish to know a spiritual family capable of accompanying them on the path of Christ by offering them a spirituality of happiness.

The Voluntas Dei Institute, founded in 1958 in Quebec/Canada by Father Louis-Marie Parent and present in around twenty countries, is this spiritual family which offers its members and affiliated people who share its spirituality the possibility of becoming artisans of peace and fraternity, beings of service in their different environments of life. Yes, the world we live in needs justice and peace, needs Jesus the Christ.
Welcome to the site of the Canadian district of the Voluntas Institute where you will find information, documents, faces that may interest you. If you hear the Lord's call to take a step further, do not hesitate to open your heart to Him and if you need further information, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.
May God in his goodness fill you with his blessings, guide you and enable you to realize your dearest dreams!


Philippe Désiré, priest I. V. Dei
Canadian District Director



And so… if normal

life resumes 

We owe it to you

Who are risking your

own lives

To save ours


Our thanks

Our thoughts

Our prayers…


From the Members of

Voluntas Dei Canada



Dear friends, I feel limited by my age.

I am getting older, the Lord is about

to come looking for me. Your

friendship has been a source for me.

I feel myself growing old, lucidity is

gradually withdrawing from my being,

the faculties, also more and more.

I would like to tell you my love, my affection,

one of my ways of living. I tell you again in

my vocation, you have been angels for me.


Almost 100 years, it is age, wear and tear, a certain loss of clear headedness. Thank you, you are wonderful. In heaven we will have free time, time is no longer restricted. We have the impression that the time is ours. Without you, my life would have been more difficult. You have made me better, your reminiscence keeps my memory young and full of pleasant memories. Without you, I would have been different. For nearly 100 years, I have been absorbed by your kindness and your memories. Happiness has marked my life, I feel the good Lord at my heart. I can't wait to go and see him. Thank you for your influence in my life. You have brought me God and Blessed Virgin to nourish my possibilities to love. Is this my blessed year where I will have the joy of living with them… Let us keep on loving, the best is yet to come. I bless you, I say thank you, you are the instruments of my happiness. Goodbye to all, I am happy, I am swimming in the thought of God and the Blessed Virgin. Goodbye and thank you again. Continue your prayers, my life is coming to an end, I have an intuition of it. I love you, my thought is yours. 


P. Louis-Marie Parent, o.m.i




Thought of the month form our Founder ...


 In prayer so that the

clash of arms is


Lord, Prince of Peace, hear our prayer.
We turn to you as the sounds of war resonate in Europe.
We pray for Ukraine.
We pray for Russia.
We pray for Europe and the world.


Be the support of all who are shaken by fear, anguish and violence.
Break the pride of the powerful, inspire wisdom in the rulers.
Change hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.


Maintain in us the spirit of love which recognizes in the other a brother, a sister.
Lord, make us peacemakers.
With all Christians throughout the world,
we pray the words Jesus taught us
that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven:


Our Father
who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread,
forgive us our trespasses,
as we also forgive
to those who have offended us
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

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